I will enter a QC request this coming Monday.
It should would speed things up when I have to rip out code. BDS2007 really
zips through the units when compiling now and we have it fairly stable now.
I have some debugger lock ups now and then and some occasional linker
problems related to missing externals that go away when I clean and build
the particular project having the missing externals. If these problems were
not present in BDS2007 then it would blow away any of the previous versions
of the Builder C++ product by comparison.
Larry Griffiths
Post by David Dean [CodeGear]Post by Larry GriffithsWhat I would prefer is a compile-only option like the make and Build in the
project manager.
Is that feature request in QC? I'd like to see it as well. 8-)
David Dean (CodeGear)
Lead C++ QA Engineer